So, I was on my way to the laundromat this morning and I can hear a firetruck screaming it's way up the street....There is a longish line of cars sitting at a red light, completely oblivious to the fact that this firetruck is trying to get through. Finally, as the light turns green, they move. The firetruck all the while, has the sirens screaming and they are laying on the horn. I mean, c'mon people! This could be your house that they need to get to and you just sit there! not 5 minutes later, another truck comes through. this time it is a ladder truck which means that it is a much bigger vehicle. Same thing happens. Cars don't pull over, don't get out of the way, don't even make an effort to let the truck pass.
Is it really that difficult to step outside of your little vehicle and think about those firefighters trying to get through? There was no way that they could even use the sidewalk as there were cars in both lanes and cars parked on both sides of the street.
All I ask is that the next time you see lights flashing and hear sirens and a horn, MOVE! Pull over, run that red light. Do whatever it takes to let the emergency vehicles through...the life you save may be your own!
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